martes, 15 de enero de 2013


We want to share with you some practical activities that we have proposed for Primary:

  • an ICT activity
     The Groundhog Day Project
(click on the link for additional information)


  • a Storytelling: 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donalson
Storybooks can offer a novel alternative to the coursebook and provide the starting point for all kinds of related language learning activities. Inntroducing and exploiting this type of materials in the teaching learning process needs are careful planning. We have to choose them wisely. It is not enough that the learners enjoy them. They have to include valuable learning points potencially useful/ accesible/relevant for learners.

Teachers can select from an authentic (existing children’s literature) or adapted materials. Until quite recently many of the storybooks used in FL classroom were adapted and simplified versions of popular tales. Authentic materials (realia) are readily available, inexpensive, and appropriate for all skills levels and not difficult to implement. Moreover, they provide students with a variety of long-term benefits. They introduce students to the foreign culture.

          The Gruffalo (click on the link for additional information)

  • and a non-ICT activity: 'The Tiger who came to tea' by Judith Kerr. 

          The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. 
          Who could it possibly be?
          What they certainly don`t expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!

          This modern classic picture book is perfect for reading aloud in the classroom!!!

          The Tiger who came to tea (click on the link for additional information)

                     It is a great book to use to foster this creative play and get children using their imagination.

                   A tea set for promoting Oral interaction.

                     (Self-made) Puppets 

We hope you enjoy!!!

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