sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Classroom behaviour

The concept of interactional competence refers to the rules that students are expected to follow in order to participate appropriately in lessons (learning particular patterns of interaction and behaviours both vis-á-vis the other students):

  • Teachers establish their own rules for appropriate classroom behaviour. Teacher and pupils know the etiquette of classroom interaction.

  • Teachers also establish their own rules and procedures for class work: Students need to know their grouping (when they should work individually, when it is appropriate to seek other’ students assistance or cooperation). While some teachers establish expectations and procedures for appropriate classroom behavior very early on with a new group of students, others do not make their expectations clear, which can lead to confusion on both the teacher’s and the learners’ parts. When students are unclear to what the teacher’s rules are, they may behave in ways the teacher find inappropriate. The learner behavior may be influenced by cultural factors.

  • Knowing when to ask and answer questions. In FL classroom, students are expected to participate actively, since answering questions is often regarded as a way of practicing the language. Teachers generally expect learners to ask questions during a lesson. But each teacher and culture will establish the extent to which they will encourage active student participation. Students may also have different expectations about when asking questions in the classroom.

  • Knowing how and when to get assistance or feedback in completing a task. Learners also learn rules operate for getting help during a lesson.

  • Knowing appropriate rules for displaying knowledge. The process of arriving at a shared understanding of the appropriate rules for displaying knowledge in a classroom is clearly an important issue for teacher and learners. It may take some time to discover what assumptions govern the other party’s behaviour.

We can design a Ranking behaviour in the classroom. Pupils can think how they can solve problems with their classmates and to have a good behaviour.  Pupils can choose and tell the items of your ranking. Get an agreement about the items together and build a Ranking behaviour. 


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