domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World’s Most Surprising School System.

There is a country where students start school at a later age, take fewer classes.

There is a country where students enjoy a 3-months summer break spend less time in school per day.

There is a country where students have barely any homework, are rarely tested.

There is a country where teachers are respected professionals, quickly receive tenure.

There is a country where teachers are rarely evaluated.

There is a country where teachers earn average salaries, have a strong union.

There is a country where schools receive modest funding, develop their own curriculum.

There is a country where schools research & adopt new technologies.

There is a country where schools have no achievement gap and leave no child behind.

This country ranks at the top of the world by almost every measure.

Welcome to Finland, the country with the most amazing school system in the world.

Thus, begins this essential film in which Dr. Tony Wagner, a member of the Programme of Educational Innovation at Harvard, guides us for 60 minutes for the keys to Finnish education system, discovering what their characteristics, peculiarities and secrets of their success.

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