jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

First activity

Hi Folks!

Today we are going to show you an activity that you can use to work in class with your pupils. It is designed so that it could be both an enjoyable and a learning task. We are looking forward to hearing your comments!

Broadly speaking, it will consist in learning to describe people physically and their appearance. Those are our objectives as teachers. For that, we will use a telephone guessing game as a pretext to get children to talk using the required vocabulary and expressions contained in our program. The management of the class we think fits better is individual and group work, as this way shy students can relax, talk and learn with less pressure and it promotes cooperative leaning. Catering for diversity is another aim we have as we use different kinds of resources and tools and pupils will be free to move around the class whatever they need. Initially, we addressed this task for Primary 3rd cycle but it could be very suitable for any other level with some few adjustments. So, feel free to modify any aspect that would make it apt for your pupils.

We divided the activity in three steps as in the Task Based Approach: pre-task, main task and after task.

Timing: 3 sessions.
Resources: The day before we asked pupils to bring some white cards and their favourite cartoon characters pictures (two an each child). Some toy telephones (at least one a group)

Pre-task activities:

Big group: using the whiteboard the teacher will ask pupils if they know the word or expression for the picture the teacher is pointing out (previously prepared for the teacher): 
  • Learning vocabulary: adjectives for description.
              - Physical: bald, blonde, skinny, short, thin, tattooed, etc.
              - Appearance: adorable, smart, elegant, ugly, powerful, etc.
  • Useful phrases:
              - He/ She looks like....
              - He /She is...
              - He/She seems like...

Small group: Pupils practise vocabulary and sentences like done out loud before with big group but describing themselves. Then, they handcraft their own cards sticking on one side the cartoon picture and on the other writing main features of the character. As they finished they will hand out their cartoons to the teacher so that next day cards would be distributed other way.

The teacher will facilitate some web pages for the pupils so that they can practise at their homes the vocabulary and watch an episode of their favorite cartoon series in English.

You can check this web and have a look to the English sections:

Main- task activities:

Small group: In turns, they will perform they are the characters on their cards and should call each other to ask questions and guess who they are by asking questions about their personality and how they are looked like.

Crossword: the teacher will have prepared some character's descriptions earlier.

Big group: variation of the first game. The whole class will do the same as in the activity before but this time is the whole small group who chooses a character and the rest of the class ask questions to find out who they are.

Individual work: pupils answer to the question of what part of the activity they liked most.

After-task activities (evaluation of the task):

As we have been practising the 5 skills during three days now we will also evaluate how successful was our activity for pupils and check how much knowledge they have acquired through this unit, specially in listening, reading, speaking and finally writing. To do so, the teacher prepares a big box full of cutting outs of cartoon character's body parts.

Pupils in groups should spend some time deciding how their favorite cartoon Frankestein would be and after they will be asked to make up their own group cartoon Frankestein through adding parts by picking them up when teacher says, for example: Ok, and now come and find in the box pieces for your cartoon if it has blue eyes.

Later, the group explain to the class what they did, how is their Franquestein and why it is that way.

Finally, individually, pupils write a description of their own favourite Frankestein and why they chose one part and not other.

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